The University of Edinburgh World-Class Edinburgh,World-class university

World-Class Edinburgh

World-class university
World class city

Apurv, Marko, Jiang, Iqbal and Nore are the stars of our world-class city campaign.
Find out more about them below.

Portrait of  Apurv Apurv | India
The city’s given me global opportunities to build my career. The University helped me find jobs on two continents and I’ll always be grateful for that.

Programme of study:
MA International Relations and Law

Home country:

Indian Foreign Policy, Energy Economics, United Nations, Polo, Golf and Travel.

What are you up to now?
I am currently working as a DPI Youth Representative to the United Nations. I plan to study energy markets and diplomacy in the coming year.

Portrait of  Marko Marko | USA
The city’s given me global opportunities to build my career. The University helped me find jobs on two continents and I’ll always be grateful for that.

Programme of study:
MA International Relations and Law.

Home country:
United States of America.

Russian foreign policy and the conflict in the Ukraine, writing/editing, reading books by Sir Salman Rushdie, watching films (especially those by Sir Ridley Scott).

What are you up to now?
I’ve started work for a major finance consultancy in London and have been admitted as a member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. I hope to obtain a second degree within the next few years.

Portrait of Jiang Jiang | China
I’ve discovered more than the city’s rich culture and long history. The environment in Edinburgh has changed me. I’ve discovered my own independence.

Programme of study:
MA Accounting and Finance.

Home country:

Classical music, outdoor activities, travelling, meeting new people and learning about different cultures.

What are you up to now?
I’m in the final year of my undergraduate studies and will be applying to stay at Edinburgh for my masters degree next year.

Portrait of Iqbal Iqbal | Malaysia
Edinburgh put lots of opportunities in front of me. All I had to do was take them.

Programme of study:
LLB Law and International Relations.

Home country:
Malaysia, although I completed high school in the USA.

International human rights, politics/current affairs, beatboxing, boxing, cats.

What are you up to now?
I’ve secured a role as a parliamentary researcher with the largest opposition political party in Malaysia.

Portrait of Nore Nore | Netherlands
For a small city, it’s known for being a global innovator in so many fields. It was a very attractive city because I’m able to be involved in the ground-breaking discoveries.

Programme of study:
MChemPhys Chemical Physics.

Home country:
Currently Norway, but born and raised in the Netherlands.

Playing volleyball, hiking, swimming, exploring bars and restaurants in Edinburgh.

What are you up to now?
I am currently on a year abroad at the University of Hong Kong where I am working on a project with the Department of Chemistry. This is the fourth year of my degree and I will return to Edinburgh in 2016 to complete the final year of my MChemPhys degree. I am still playing volleyball and hoping to learn some Cantonese.